
Showing posts from 2018

BI Publisher : Sum Function in xml publisher rtf template

We can use the below syntax to get the sum of the particular filed in rtf template: <?sum(name_off_field)?>

BI Publisher: If Condition with sub-string in rtf template

 <?xdofx:if substr(ACAD_PLAN,1,1) = 'C'  then 'Los Angeles City College' end if?>  <?xdofx:if substr(ACAD_PLAN,1,1) = 'H'  then 'Los Angeles Harbor College' end if?>  <?xdofx:if substr(ACAD_PLAN,1,1) = 'M'  then 'Los Angeles Mission College' end if?>  <?xdofx:if substr(ACAD_PLAN,1,1) = 'P'  then 'Pierce College' end if?>  <?xdofx:if substr(ACAD_PLAN,1,1) = 'S'  then 'Los Angeles Southwest College' end if?>  <?xdofx:if substr(ACAD_PLAN,1,1) = 'V'  then 'Los Angeles Valley College' end if?>  <?xdofx:if substr(ACAD_PLAN,1,1) = 'W'  then 'West Los Angeles College' end if?>  <?xdofx:if substr(ACAD_PLAN,1,1) = 'T'  then 'LA Trade-Technical Colleg' end if?>  <?xdofx:if substr(ACAD_PLAN,1,1) = 'E'  then 'East Los Angeles College' end if?>;

BI Publisher: Formatting the numbers in xml publisher rtf template

Formatting the number in required format for decimals in rtf temlate: <xsl:value-of select='format-number(SSR_TOT_EN_GRDPTS, "0.000")'/>

BI Publisher: Split by page break in rtf template

We can use the below syntax for the split by page break in rtf template. <?split-by-page-break:?>

BI Publisher: For Each Syntax in rtf template

We can use the below tag for the for-each syntax in XML publisher rtf template: <?for-each:DISTRICTPART2?> <?end for-each?>

BI Publisher:Inserting the current date and current time in BI Publisher Report

Using below 1 and 2 we can display the current date and time on the bi report. 1) <?xdoxslt:current_date($_XDOLOCALE, $_XDOTIMEZONE)?>  2) <?xdoxslt:current_time($_XDOLOCALE, $_XDOTIMEZONE)?> 3) <?xdoxslt:sysdate(‘DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI’)?> 

SQL:Finding the Navigation of PeopleSoft Components :

SQL Query 1: SELECT LEVEL0.PORTAL_LABEL || ' > ' || LEVEL1.PORTAL_LABEL || ' > '  || LEVEL2.PORTAL_LABEL || ' > '  ||  level3.PORTAL_LABEL PATH_TO_COMPONENT FROM PSPRSMDEFN level3 , PSPRSMDEFN level2 , PSPRSMDEFN level1 , PSPRSMDEFN LEVEL0 WHERE level3.PORTAL_URI_SEG2 = 'COMPONENT NAME' AND level3.PORTAL_PRNTOBJNAME = level2.PORTAL_OBJNAME AND level2.PORTAL_PRNTOBJNAME = level1.PORTAL_OBJNAME AND level1.PORTAL_PRNTOBJNAME = LEVEL0.PORTAL_OBJNAME AND level3.PORTAL_NAME = level2.PORTAL_NAME AND level2.PORTAL_NAME = level1.PORTAL_NAME AND level1.PORTAL_NAME = LEVEL0.PORTAL_NAME; SQL Query 2: Below is the alternate SQL which is more robust in my opinion. SELECT REPLACE(navigation,'',' > ') "PIA Navigation" , url , MENU_NAME , COMPONENT_NAME , portal_objname , portal_prntobjname , portal_uri_seg3 , portal_label FROM (SELECT SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (a.portal_label,'>>') navigation ...

Application Engine Program Basics

In reviewing my statistics, I found that one common search was “basics steps to create an appengine in PeopleSoft”.  I hope the person(s) found what they were looking for on my blog.  Nonetheless, that gave me the idea to write a simple overview on creating a new Application Engine program. This post can’t cover everything but I do plan to cover: ·          Creating a new Application Engine definition ·          Setting program properties ·          Understanding program flow ·          Inserting new sections, steps, and actions ·          Loops/logic ·          State records ·          Adding programs to projects ·          Where to go from ...

How to implement the dynamic prompts in peoplesoft.

Dynamic Prompts in PeopleSoft In real business applications, very frequently we will encounter situations where the prompt for some fields needs to be controlled based on the values on other fields or based on the logged in user. PeopleSoft has delivered built-in mechanisms to handle dynamic prompting. Most of the readers will be already aware of this as this is one of the basic lessons in People Tools. However recently I had an interaction with PeopleSoft developer community, where most of them shared the same experience. People either don’t know dynamic prompting or they are not sure about the underlying technology to be used. I thought it will be worth explaining it over here so that people who are new to PeopleSoft may get a fair understanding on dynamic prompting. There are widely two different techniques used for generating dynamic prompting. 1.     First method is using DERIVED record fields or popularly known as Edit Table method. 2.   The ...